Tag Archives: Introversion

The perks of being an introvert

Maybe it’s not the most desirable thing to be an introvert for most people. However like everything else in life there has to be some perks.

As an introvert I find:

  • You don’t get particularly lonely when you don’t see people for a while. Whilst you may have friends that complain about how much they miss you and need to see you, you are just happy taking a break.
  • You don’t always crave attention. Is it only me or is that person who always needs to be noticed quite irritating at times.
  • For some reason people think you are rather mysterious and enigmatic. Maybe we introverts do not like letting everyone know every detail of our lives. But a little bit of mystery is always nice.
  • You have a group of close friends rather than multitudes of people you simply associate with. Having close and meaningful relationships is really such a big bonus.
  • You tend to surprise people. A lot of introverts are cast off as shy and antisocial but when people see the opposite in you they don’t quite know what to think.
  • Making rash decisions is not your thing. I’m not saying you will never take risks but as introvert you tend to make rather well thought out and calculated moves.
  • As in introvert you usually find you are a good listener. People always appreciate a person who is willing to listen.

Whilst being an introvert evidently has its perks I’m sure there are just as many great things about being an extrovert (If you ask the right person).


Filed under Random Thoughts

Misconceptions about Introverts

Contrary to popular belief being an introvert does not simply mean you are a shy person, lacking in social skills and avoid social interaction at all costs.

I identify as an introvert and although I may not be a social butterfly I do not hide in the corner at social events (maybe I would avoid more awkward situations if I did).

So really to me being an introvert means that there is only so much of people I can take in a day. A full day of social interaction is just plain tiring. I get home after a full day of work or uni and and its dealing with people that is probably the days most draining task. Sometimes you just need moments alone, definitely more so than your average extrovert counterpart!

Don’t label your introvert friends as shy and socially incompetent (okay they may be) but they may surprise you!

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